Instructions on how to operate a Nikon F : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I just aquired a Nikon F, and haven't got a clue on how to operate it. Can anyone give me some tips on how to get started with this camera. I can't get the light meter to work at all. Shouldn't the line in the meter move when adjusting the F stop or shutter speed? I sure would appreciate any advice at all. I don't suppose an owners manual would be available for it. Thanks, Stan

-- Stan Barduca (, September 08, 1999


The meter in the photomic head probably doesn't work. Working meters are very rare. As you may have realised, the camera is manual, the meter (if it worked) would just tell you if you had selected the 'correct' settings.

A user manual is here.

-- Alan Gibson (, September 09, 1999.

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