Picture: Bach Minuettgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread |
Bach Minuett
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), September 09, 1999
Last weekend, I took a walk at the new Music Garden at Toronto Harbor front, inspired by the Suites Unaccompanied Cello of J.S.Bach, played by famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma.
The center piece of this 2 acre Music Garden is a flower parterre corresponding to Bach's Minuett.
The high noon sun cast the shadow of the parterre on the ground forming an interesting pattern, it catched my eyes instantly. I grabbed my TLX and took a snap shot.
The sun is Yang, creates the shadow (Yin ). And the shadow itself is a symbol of "sun" -- Yang.
This symbolizes the mutual dependancy of Yin and Yang.
The circular pattern and the radial pattern are full of rhymth, like Bach.
The small section of curve at the upper right corner is left intentionally to show that the 'sun- symbol' is a big circle-- ' show a leaf to indicate Autumn'.
The mind sees a bigger picture by filling in the big circle; if the small arc is cropped off, the image becomes much smaller.
- Camera: Minox TLX, format 8mm x 11mm
- Film, Kodak Technical Pan @EI 25
- Ilford RC paper 8x10"
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), September 09, 1999.