Pika Portaledges

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has anybody used Pika Portaledges? are they any good? i don't have the money for a A5 or Fish ledge so I'm looking at the Pikas.

thanks for your help Ben

P.S. are there flys anygood?

-- Ben (Benbuilds@aol.com), September 12, 1999


The old ones deffinetely suck(4 years old) the new ones also suck a bit. They are machined SOOOOOO tight that on a wall they are almost impossible to dismantle.

-- Bunz (hothotbunz@yahoo.com), September 22, 1999.

Pika ledges are pretty much junk. Keep an eye out on the Fish site for "bargain basement" deals they run periodically. I got my first double from them for something like 30-40% off. Save the money and get quality. A poor ledge is not something you want to be sitting in when the weather turns ugly. Slings are NEVER comfortable...

cheers Eric

-- Eric Coomer (coomer@ix.netcom.com), September 26, 1999.

Pika ledges lick ass... like all of you when I started wallin' I didnt' have cash for the A5. I suffered through many nights in it cramped and wobbly. I nearly quite climbing when I couldn't deploy the damn thing on the Column. I fought it and fought it for two and a half seasons. Then one night on Mammoth the damn thing fucking broke in the middle of the night. I thrill I assure you, one that everyone should endure. I rapped down to heart then to the ground, ran to the village store, whipped out the credit card and bought an A5. I couldn't believe the difference. Super comfy, super bomber, burly fly. Storm rolled in on Flight of the ALbatross the next day, and it is inshallah that the Pika piece of shit was dead,and I was sitting pretty, and comfy in my new A5. Spend the extra coin or regret it after your gumby wall period. Fifteen pitches up the captain is no place for Pika crap. I've heard their beaks sheer too, and break.

-- Brent (pinscar@hotmail.com), March 07, 2000.

Wow, I'm sure glad we have hear from our disgruntled customers in a fair and honest way. If you had problems like this why did you not call us, send us an email or something?

How do we know you don't just work for another ledge manufacturer or have accepted some kind bribe from them? We have had ledge problems, but so has every one else. Honestly, most of the calls we get are due to user error, not a design flaw.

If anyone is interested in hearing from the many thousands of happy Pika customers that have used our gear and continue to use it, please contact us at pika@pikamtn.com We'd be glad to refer you to them.

-- josh @ Pika (josh@pikamtn.com), February 15, 2002.

>>How do we know you don't just work for another ledge manufacturer or have accepted some kind bribe from them? We have had ledge problems, but so has every one else. Honestly, most of the calls we get are due to user error, not a design flaw.<<

First propose a conspiracy theory, then insinuate that the customers are incompetent. Hmmm...

>>If anyone is interested in hearing from the many thousands of happy Pika customers that have used our gear and continue to use it, please contact us at pika@pikamtn.com We'd be glad to refer you to them.<<

How do we know they don't just work for PIKA or are accpeting brides from them. LOL =).

If PIKA really would like to resolve this issue...I would gladly except a brand new double ledge by PIKA in exchange for an honest review of it for all those now weary customers. =).

- Ethan

-- Ethan (epb607@aol.com), February 16, 2002.

Not only do your ledges suck, but your drill's suck. The bit comes loose shortly after starting to drill. Try drilling from a stance with one of these drills you will be bummed.

P.S. If you had a clue about the climbing comunity you would know the people who responded above are respectable wall climbers.

-- drilling guy (God@pikasucks.com), February 16, 2002.

Josh, your ideas are just a bunch of half assed, stolen ideas. Your shit sucks, listen to the masses. Everyone I know that has had a Pika ledge, says "PIKA SUCKS". maybe if you weren't such a cheap fuck, PIKA could go somewhere, but those of us that have been to PIKA International headquarters can attest to the madnitude and scale that pika opperates at. Lets look at the rip offs....auks=beaks, mallard=worthless,cam hooks, cheap copy of leepers, drip sac=shit sack, hammock=worthless, drill=piece of shit. By teh way, I did call you and try to tell you once..some of teh shortcomings of your products, and you berated me, telling me I was an amateur, didn't know how to work it, etc. You were basically a dick. So I make sure to slander your weak ass shit at any chance. Yo shit sucks bro! And your half assed attempt at "hooking up" the locals is laughable. most be frustrating knowing that your company name is most times associated with shit products.

-- pika licks. (joshisadoosh@pikalicks.com), February 17, 2002.


I realize this is going directly to your email, but it's the only way I can get it posted up on that board.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Dear angry climbers:

If you have an issue with me personally, with Pika as a whole or with Pika's products, I would like to speak to you in person or on the phone, and not in this cowardly manner.

I would like to know where this resentment comes from.

Please get in touch with me.

josh@pikamtn.com 801-485-1686

-- josh (josh@pikamtn.com), February 18, 2002.

Josh I was only giving you a hard time for your lack of customer relation skills. However, I agree with you...not that your products kick ass or anything, but that those who are coming down hard on your products should step up and not slander Pika anonymously. However, note that some have left there real email addresses and seem to be very honest about ther opinions. If I were you I would take another look at your products.

-- Ethan (epb607@aol.com), February 20, 2002.

I agree with most people that pika ledges are not the greatest greatest ledges on the market, but bottom line is that they're inexpensive. I too had my ledge blow out in the middle of the night, but it was a hilarious experience (I would probably have a different perspective it the conditions weren't ideal). After that, I made a few modifications to the ledge, I put quick release pins in the pole connections, and now the thing is bommer! If you can manage to get enough loot together, go for the black diamond ledge, its a great design, but if your broke as a joke and have a little ingenuity, you could even make a ledge yourself.

btw- the pika drill absolutely blows ass, there's no way around that one.

-- Jon Turk (jonnyt1@netscape.net), January 30, 2003.

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