Speaking of "Minorities"....

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I have been asked to give a presentation on Jewish photographers in October. So far I've got

KNOWN POSSIBLE Richard Avedon Ezra Stoller Weegee Alfred Eisenstadt Cornell Capa Yousuf Karsh Robert Capa Peter Aaron Alfred Steiglitz Paul Strand Diane Arbus Margaret Bourke-White (o.k., not Halachichly speaking, but...)

Anyone got any to add or corrections (with sources) to make? I'm sure I've missed a buhzillion and forgotten a few more.

There's a book (out of print) entitled, "international Worlwide Who's Who of Jews in Photography" which I have not been able to locate. If anyone could contribute an ISBN or LC# I'd be appreciative.

-- Sean yates (yatescats@yahoo.com), September 15, 1999


Annie Leibovitz, Amy Arbus, Steven Klein, Arthur Rothstein.

-- jim megargee (jim@mvlabs.com), September 15, 1999.

Judy Dater? Charles Harbutt?

-- The Dude (oblivious@cyberdude.com), September 16, 1999.

Known...Elliott Erwitt, Garry Winogrand, Joel Meyerowitz, Richard Misrach, David Seymour ("Chim")...

Possible...Sylvia Plachy and Joel-Peter Witkin.

Winogrand on being Jewish: "I have a Star of David, a crucifix and a Bhudda hanging in my darkroom. I need all the help I can get."

-- Mason Resnick (bwworld@mindspring.com), September 16, 1999.

I thought Ernemann too, not sure.

-- Lot (lotw@wxs.nl), September 17, 1999.

I thought Ernemann too, not sure. Erwin Blumenfield, almost sure.

-- Lot (lotw@wxs.nl), September 17, 1999.

Didn't I see Tom Hanks emcee a game show on Saturday Night Live that was like this?...t

-- tom meyer (twm@mindspring.com), September 17, 1999.

Robert Frank.

-- John Rosewall (jrosewall@csudh.edu), September 21, 1999.

Bruce Davidson, Bill Aaron, Leonard Freed...

-- Mason Resnick (bwworld@mindspring.com), September 23, 1999.

Do we have a Minyan yet?


-- Mason Resnick (bwworld@mindspring.com), September 23, 1999.

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