State of the Forums : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

Once in a while it's good to sit back and take stock. That's what I've decided to do with the B&W World forums.

Based on a review of the statistics pages for each of the six active B&W World discussion forum, I am delighted to report that there are well over 6,000 messages archived! But more important than the numbers is the content: the level of discussion here is serious and well-informed. I see every message that is posted, and am constantly amazed and impressed by the level of expertise of the people who post here. I have learned a lot by reading the helpful advice that has been posted here over the last 2+ years. It seems as if there is no question about B&W photography that can't be answered here.

Sure, once in a great while there is some bickering, but in general when the guilty parties are reminded of the rules (if you don't know them, go to and read "Rules of the House") they will apologize and get back to the issues at hand. I have seen overwhelming proof here that almost all participants here understand that it's ok to express strongly held opinions regarding the issue at hand, but not when it leads to personal attacks against people who disagree.

So, this message is a big THANK YOU to everyone, especially our growing group of regulars. Your participation and willingness to share your expertise has made these forums a success!

I hope to see our archives continue to grow, and I encourage everyone's continued participation.

-- Mason Resnick (, September 21, 1999


I'm new to the net and forums. They are GREAT. But: where are the women correspondents? Are their photograpic problems and opinions the same as "ours"? Again THANKS! Bill Mitchell

-- Bill Mitchell (, October 02, 1999.

Never mind, the pleasure is on our side Mason!

-- Lot (, October 03, 1999.

Shucks, guys. Thanks.

Bill, I too don't understand why more women aren't participating in the forums. They are of course invited!

BTW, some big news about B&W World is coming very soon...look for an announcement on the homepage in early-mid Octobe

-- Mason Resnick (, October 04, 1999.

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