Restoration of fans : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

Hello, I recently bought an old Robbins and Myers fan, and although it works, it needs a thorough cleaning, some touch up paint and polish, and maybe even a new cord. I'm not too keen on burning down my house with the thing. Does anyone know of a good place to have these restored, and approximately how much it might cost? Thanks,


-- Jeff Booth (, September 21, 1999


I have the exact same question

-- Greg Harrison (, July 10, 2001.

I recently Found a Robbins & Myers fan in my Grandfathers Garage. The Motor Windings and speed transformes were shot. I took the fan to a local electric motor repair shop and had it rebuilt. They rewound the motor and transformer, and installed a new cord for me. It works excelent now. I'm not sure of the price since my brother picked up the bill as gift. I'm looking for information on the date of manufactuing. If you know of web sites etc. whrere I can find information I would apprechiate it.


-- mdd (, December 31, 2001.

Here is an excellent site for parts, repairs and sundry:

You can also contact companies under "plating" for services in re-chroming and brass plating in the yellow pages for local areas.

Fans in general:


-- Geoffrey Miller (, January 07, 2002.

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