help with taking darker photos : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

i have two questions. first, i have lost my instruction book to my minolta 7000 and need to know if there is anyway to get another. 2nd how can u get a darker image from a black and white picture. i am starting to get back into photography and pretty much have forgotten alot of things that i know. i have heard pulling back the f-stop could help but i don't know. i need help. thanks \

-- eric roesler (, September 26, 1999


try the following telephone-number in london, uk: Oldtimer cameras 0208 953 5479 they have 1000s of manuals from cameras and equipement. It's not a problem - I think. Good luck, Dieter

-- dieter obrecht (, September 26, 1999.

Do you mean darker or more low key? For darker, take a meter reading on a lighter part of the photo. Like a person's skin instead of a medium grey area.

-- Joe Cole (, September 27, 1999.

You can also fix that in the darkroom if your wanting darker blacks. If you develop a shot and you really like the whites in the photo, then use a higher or lower numbered filter to either inhance or totally black out the darks. It's alot of fun to see what you are doing. Also you could play around with a few colored filters on your actual camera. A cheap way to go is the cokin frame with the creative filters. It's a whole set of colored sheets you put into the frame that fits on the fornt of your camera! Then you can get tiffen or hoya screw mount filters later...

-- martha goldsmith (, September 29, 1999.

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