Metrogon 8x10 lens : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread


Has anybody actually used one of these 6" B&L Metrogon lenses which allegedly cover 8x10?

How do they compare to a protar V or other classic lens?

-- Erik Ryberg (, September 28, 1999


I believe Mr. Grimes has worked with them and gone to the trouble to mount them in 3 % shutters. You might e-mail him. In the meantime, I'll let Sheldon Hambrick regail you with his experiences.....

-- Sean yates (, September 28, 1999.

Hi Erik,

Does this interest in wide angle hallmark a change in artistic vision? What will only one or two days of sun light left in Seattle for this year, could this indicate a close-up and expanded textural vision of rain, in muted grays?

Best regards, David

-- david clark (, September 29, 1999.

Actually I'm just figuring if my lens is wide enough it won't matter so much which way I point it -- something interesting is bound to show up in there somewhere. This is bound to lead to an improvement in my pictures.

-- Erik Ryberg (, September 29, 1999.

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