Pentax 6x7 or 6x7 : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread |
I will be getting a pentax 67 very soon. I just can't decide between a 67 or 67 II. Price is somewhat of a issue. Can anybody here comment if there is a big diff between the two in the field. I know of all the new stuff the 67 II has going for it but does it really make a diff. in the field. One of the things I like about the 67 II is the brighter screen in the prism. But is the prism of the 67 really that hard to work with its darker screen. I will be renting a 67 soon to see for myself but would still like to hear any comments you might have on the issue. I could also put a beattie bright screen in the 67 but I have heard that the screen is soft at the edges. Beattie is working on it last I heard. Has anybody had any problems with the beattie screens. For some things a brighter screen would not be a problem, like if I am setting the len to hyperfocal distance or to infinity. But some other stuff that needs critical focusing the brighter screen would be a plus. I am allready spoiled by my 1.8 50 for my canon a1e-program. Sometimes I find that even a polorizer on the lens makes it a little difficult to focus on some things. The brighter screen is really the only reason I would want to get the 67 II. But I could get a 67 in really good shape on keh for a good price. If I get a 67 I will get the ttl prism and a rigid hood and a normal prism and rigid hood if I get the 67 II. I will use a spot meter for most my stuff. I have noticed that some of the 67s on keh have grid screens which I want on my 67 but if I get a 67 that does not have a grid screen how much does pentax charge for the screen replacement.90% of my work will be landscape shots on a tripod with cable release. A little will be handheld in which I will use the grip for the 67. I am 90% sure about this but want to make sure, is there a diff between picture quality between the camera bodies or is that just in the lenses themselves. And if I get the 67 I could always get the 67 II down the road and them use my 67 for a backup body. choices, choices Heh. Might have to flip a coin.......PS sorry if any typos, I am in a hurry. Thanks in advance.
-- Frank Andersen (, October 03, 1999
The 67 and 6x7 had several drawbacks. Lack of spot meter, 90% viewing on the two pentaprisms, shutter shake and lack of a bright screen were the major problems. If the price between the older versions and the 67II were the same , it would be no contest. The 67II would be the clear choice. With the price differential, I suggest getting the 67 with either the rigid or folding hood, Intenscreen and handheld meter. I have cameras with brighter screens than my 6x7(Asahi) but I really don't feel that the 67 and 6x7 have screens that will limit you very much. The 67II vs the older bodies won't make any difference in your picture quality. The lenses for both systems are quite good but the shutter shake problem has led many to believe that the optics are so-so. Use a heavy tripod! SR
-- Steve Rasmussen (, October 03, 1999.
1.)Apart from the brighter screen, you also get the eyepiece shutter and a self-timer with the 67II. This is good because 1. You won't get any stray light in if you will use the AE prism 2. You will be able to make an exposure with delay and let the camera stabilize itself.2.)The screen is a big issue in landscape or available light photography and the new one is really much brighter.
3.)If you will use the grip note that it is actually ment for handling the body when set on tripod, not really for handholding. And the 67II has a built one - on the right side which is IMHO better!
4.)A grid is good for the architecture, not so much for the landscape. But it could help on some occassions.
5.)Why get the 67 with TTL prism? Just get the normal prism and use the spotmeter. I do it and it's much much better. The way to go is probably to buy the AE prism for the 67II because it is really electronically equipped for that purpose - it might come in handy!!!
6.)Get the 67 now while they still have them new or buy on eBay or Keh and the 67II as you go along (you'll see if you need it). A lot of equipment junkies will now sell the 67's in favor of the 67II. Your chance to get one ....
6a.)Be sure to get the post-1976 6x7 body or the 67 body. Only they have the mirror lock-up, which is critical (!) for landscape photography.
7.)Enjoy one of the best cameras around :-))))))
-- Alex B. (, October 03, 1999.
I e-mailed SHUTTERBUG about a field test on the P67II and the editor replied that a test of he P 67II will be in the Jan, 2000 issue.
-- Jim Ewing (, October 04, 1999.