Olympus Smart Media

greenspun.com : LUSENET : irnews : One Thread

I'm new at the game of Digicams and trying to sort out the pros and cons before making the first purchase. I like the features of the Oly 450Z but a friend tell me that the media card contains a battery that will drain after use and time. Please share whatever information that you may have on this issue. Is this Smart Media card a limited use storage media or is it permenant (other than physical damage).

-- Bill Parker (bparker@magnolia.net), October 06, 1999


I have the Olympus D-450 Zoom digital camera with 8MB and 16 MB Smart Media cards. They do not contain any battery or other energy source. They work very well as does the camera itself. These cards are small but durable and should last many years if not physically damaged. When not in the camera they should be placed in the usual small plastic or metal carrying case to avoid damage.

-- George Elliott (keepicon@reach.net), December 19, 1999.

To: George Elliott (keepicon@reach.net)...Thanks for the information. I bought an Olympus 450Z back in late Oct. '99 and find it to be a great camera for the money.. Olympus finally got around to telling me that no battery is embedded in the smartmedia card. Again, thanks for the response

-- Bill Parker (bparker@magnolia.net), December 19, 1999.

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