Nikon Coolpix 950 - G4 USB Capatibility : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I just got a Nikon Coolpix 950. I comes with a serial adapter and MAC software which works great on my older G3 desktop, it has a serial port.

My new G4 is only USB (no serial port), I bought a USB to serial adapter, and now I can't load the camera/images to the computer.

Any suggestions would help.

Is a card reader a better alternative than loading off of the camera?

-- John Wohlfeil (, October 12, 1999


A card reader is faster than serial. If you can't connect the camera with the serial/USB adapter, then it is a viable option. Another option is a flashpath reader. It lets you put your smart media cards into a standard flopy.

The USB/serial cables have a ways to go yet as far as compatability and reliability.

-- Dale R Dankulich (, October 12, 1999.

Here is another possible answer for you. I know that that the iMAC supported firewire(I think the other designation is IEEE-1394) But I do not know if the G3 or G4 have that support. If they do, then I would go that route, because Firewire is purported to be FASTER than USB.

Something to look into.


-- David Erskine (, October 14, 1999.

I have a 950. I use a SAnDisk CompactFlah Crad reader (~$50) attached to a PowerMac 8600 thru a PCI card (you wouldn't need that). The images trnasfer at about 1 sec/image vs. 30 sec/image via serial. It works grea

-- Bill Johnston (, October 27, 1999.

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