creating broken borders : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I was wondering how i could go about creating interesting borders around my prints (particularly the "broken" image effects), as seen here:

-- Jasper Doph (, October 14, 1999


In order to change the border on your print you can take a filing tool and enlarge the size of the negative carrier. You may be able to buy a larger size, but I am not sure. The rough edges are the exposed frame around the negative. Another option is to make a paper negative, create a print of your negative, the size you want for an end product. Then create whatever border you want, there are many ways to manipulate the edges, draw on the print, cut a border of another material, use tape. Then make a contact print (paper negative)of that print. Then make a print from the paper negative. Another process that will give you an interesting border is polaroid transfers, the emulsion from the film oozes out around your transfered image. Have fun!

-- b sheerin (, October 15, 1999.

The example given by Jasper, and others on that site, look as if they were created with an enlarger that doesn't have a good mask on the negative carrier, so it causes reflections and other nasties. The photographer seems to like this and other printing atifacts, so hasn't used a mask on the easel.

-- Alan Gibson (, October 18, 1999.

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