color shifting replicated on black and white? : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

My professor gave us a little slide show of his lifes work today (he gave a lecture in North Dakota and already had it together) Anyway it was all color. But he was trying to get the idea of abstract photos across to us. He showed us beautiful abstract photos he took of abandoned houses. And they had long exposures. So the color shifted. He said because color film racts differently with long exposures, (each of three layers does) and so these pictures almost had a painterly feel to them. Now my question, is it possible to replicate that feeling or look in black and white???? Would it require filters or something? Or would this question belong under the alternative forum? I am not sure. Thanks

-- martha goldsmith (, October 25, 1999


The prof is showing you false colours. The equivalent, in B&W, would be false tones. You might achieve this, for example, with IR film, or by using very strong colour filters: strong red, green, blue, whatever.

Or use a grainy film, and enlarge just a small portion of it.

-- Alan Gibson (, October 26, 1999.

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