Maine Coon Neutering : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

Hi, My name is Lynne and I am not a breeder but a brand new owner of a gorgeous boy Maine Coon named Clooney (as handsome as George and with a voice as sweet as Rosemary!) He is now 7 mos old and still "intact". My breeder told me we could wait as long as 10 mos. before neutering so that his head could develop as large as possible (at 7mos. he is a whopping 12.5 lbs and not fat). My vet said it was my decision but not to wait too long or Clooney may start to develop typical male characteristics, such as spraying. What is your opinion on the optimum age to neuter a boy so that he still develops as large a head as possible without entering into the male "danger zone"? Thanks in advance--- Lynne Gregory

-- Anonymous, October 26, 1999


Hi Lynne!

Congratulations on your boy. He sounds beautiful! My two Grand premiers were neutered at about 6-7 months and have developed wonderful big heads. I also have a 15 month old boy (Mankato) who was neutered at about 4 1/2 months who is not far behind. You may view them at along with the rest of our cats. I don't think head development was arrested when my big guys were neutered at 7 months. Best of luck with your boy. Sharon

-- Anonymous, October 26, 1999

All our MCs were neutered early ..... between 14 and 18 weeks .... and they are all huge!! I would recommend you go ahead and neuter him as soon as possible as it is very likely he will start spraying soon or develop other "unfortunate" male habits! In fact, I am surprised you have not had this problem before. Certainly, coat and ruff development in neutered males is much faster when they are neutered so if this is also an interest for you, get him neutered ASAP. Your vet is correct!

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999

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