WD95 to WD98 upgrade for purchase of new dig camera such as KodakDC280greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
I have been researching digital cameras and really would like a 2 megapixel with optical/digital options such as the KodakDC280--but I am concerned that my Dell pc at home (almost two years old--does have USB ports) still runs on WD95 (processor is 350 I believe). Should I upgrade to WD 98 so that I may use the USB ports for fast downloading or are there other options. Confusing!! Thanks for any advice!!! This could be my Christmas present.
-- Marilyn Walker (walker@up.edu), October 26, 1999
The truth is that (modern) parallel port is almost the same speed as USB. So you could get a parallel port card reader if usb doesn't work. If you're not using the parallel port for anything, it's not really any less convenient.I suspect the version of win95 you have on your computer actually supports USB, version "B" or "C" of win95 do it. Right click on my_computer and do properties, I think that'll show the version?
-- benoit (foo@bar.com), October 26, 1999.
You may want to consider upgrading to Windows 98 or getting the Full version. Windows 95 (even B & C) do not fully support the USB port like Windows 98
-- David Erskine (davide@netquest.com), October 27, 1999.
In our own experience here, we got USB devices to work with Windows 95 version 2 (OS Release 2), but it was a real wrestle. With Windows '98, it's been very easy. (Don't think we've had a problem yet, getting a device to run.)
-- Dave Etchells (editor@imaging-resource.com), October 28, 1999.
Conventional wisdom usually says to not upgrade an operating system (or other program) if what you have is meeting your needs. Here you may find it a good idea, but don't do it until you are sure you need to! In this case it's not just your camera that may need 98 to run USB. For example the Epson 750 printer works fine parallel on 95 but it will not run USB on 95 even with SR2. And that's not really clearly stated until you get to the Epson web site. It even seems to be an install option but it just won't do it!! On the other hand an Epson 740 loaded up and ran fine on my USB port under 95 SR2 in the shop where we did the work when I upgraded my motherboard a couple of months back. I've got two printers, a switch and a scanner on my parallel port but it works! But I think I'm just really lucky. It's getting crowded and I would hate to consider trying to add anything else into that mix.
-- Craig Gillette (cgillette@thegrid.net), October 28, 1999.
Changed my mind on this issue this week. I have a home computer with win98, and a laptop with win95 version C (the latest/last version of win95. I tried my new sony 505 camera's USB port on the desktop, worked great. The laptop failed. I upgraded the laptop to win98 and it works great. Should hold me over til I get a pcmcia adaptor.Sony is evil for charging way too much for their pcmcia adaptor.
With my 2 lb laptop I can take gigs of pics. Gotta feel sorry for the luddites with "clik" drives.
-- benoit (foo@bar.com), November 10, 1999.
I just went through what you are asking, my older (2 years) Gateway with WIN 95 (B version) seemed to accept working USB without a problem. However experienced a severe system lock-up which for some reason changed time settings on the computer WHILE I was downloading pics from my new Kodak DC 240. NOT GOOD, I upgraded to WIN 98 and all works like a charm!! Well worth the upgrade $$ and effort.
-- Mike Shively (mshively@purdue.edu), November 11, 1999.