breeding rabbits : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

This is not a joke.We have 5 rabbits. 2 bucks and 3 does. One buck is totally disinterested in breeding as are all 3 does. We have a pair of New Zealand and 3 mixed breed. We put the doe in the bucks pen. We tried breeding in warm weather, cool weather,evening, morning, middle of the day, every day, skipping days and our does will not cooperate. If we cant find a solution it's going to be some mighty expensive eating. Thanks for any suggestions.

-- chris locke (, October 29, 1999


I think your rabbits are too fat. One cup of pellets a day is plenty for a " nonworking " rabbit.

-- doris richards (, October 29, 1999.

My experience is limited to one year. I once put the doe into the buck's cage and she whipped up on him real bad! I seperated again & the next day I put him into HER cage. Made all the difference. They are so love'y dove'y. This has never failed to produce except when either the buck or doe were too young to breed. Also, I have self-feeders and how can you limit to one cup of feed except by being hand delivery each evening? Courious.

-- Only Eve (, October 29, 1999.

I agree the does migt be to heavy,put them on a scale [even a basket on a bathroom scale will work ] Figure out what breed they most look like and look in a rabbit breed book or call a vet and find what wieght they should be.Check does vulva to make sure they are in heat [bright red to purples].put doe near a bucks cage for a couple days to help to bring on heat[not in same cage]. low vitamin e might be problem,feed raw sunflower seeds 1teaspoon for a week see if that helps.borrow experinced buck if need be,Good luck.

-- kathy hart (www.saddle, October 29, 1999.

We raised rabbits (thousands) for years, and I have to agree, the first thought would be to put your rabbits on a diet! Secondly, are you checking for physical signs of heat before you attempt to breed...the does should show deep purple vulva during heat...and the buck can sense it.

-- Sue Landress (, October 29, 1999.

Have someone else check to be sure you do not have all bucks or all does. If you bought them young even an experienced person could have been mistaken. I must have a different type of rabbit because they do not have a heat cycle. Large breed bucks are often not mature until 9 months. Does are generally ready when they have developed a good dewlap. Does may need to be held in position for the buck since they are all new to this. (Better get a book.) Repeat breeding in about 6 hours. I have never had a problem taking the doe to the buck, but have had bucks nearly emasculated putting them with does. Fatness: You should be able to feel bone and muscle. There is too much variation within breeds to get meaningful weights from a vet over the phone. If they are all nine months or older,and indeed the sexes you thought, I would butcher the mixed buck and check visually for fat and parasites, liver condition, sexual development.

-- Kendy Sawyer (, October 30, 1999.

Chris, I have raised rabbits for years then quit for awhile. When i started again i had the same problem as you. The cure was to put the does on a diet they were all FAT! Next my buck was young, and this only improved with age, he is a lot more interested now then he was 3 months ago. I was told to never put the buck in with the doe always the other way around cause the does can and do damage the buck.. My mother had a buck emasculated by one of her does. So try feeding them half what you do now. Check and make sure the boys are boys and the girls are girls. How old are your rabbits? They do get too old to breed. Try putting the does next to the bucks cage so they can be attracted to them. Hey, it really helps. Good luck karen

-- karen mauk (, February 15, 2000.

MY rabbit did the same the first day but then the nexy day we took her back. Try it 3 days in a row and if it doesn't work she just desn't want to be bred and she can just be your pet! Hope this helps!

-- MB (, February 10, 2001.

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