News from PhotoPlus: Konica Hexar RF! : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I'm writing this from the press room at PhotoPlus Expo...just a quick newsblast, more to come next week:

I just saw the Konica Hexar RF, a new Hexar that offers interchangeable lenses in the "Hexanon M Mount" which looks remarkably like the Leica M mount. A few key features: Shutter speeds from 1-1/4000 sec., 2.5fps internal motor drive, 3 Konica Hexanon lenses (28mm f/2.8, 50mm f/2 and 90mm f/2.8), exposure compensation, etc.

It looks like it could be the Leica M7! Very cool camera, I saw the only one currently in the US. Shipment to US dealers is expected in December. List price? The same as the coming year: $2K

More soon!

-- Mason Resnick (, October 29, 1999


PhotoHighway has just posted my "sneak peek" article on the Hexar RF, which goes into more detail about this intriguing new camera.

The article can be found here: pt.asp?aid=31996

-- Mason Resnick (, November 03, 1999.

I had better luck at this address: wci=fraLayout_PH&ZTpl=fraLayout_PT&Article=

-- Peter Olsson (, November 04, 1999.

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