Pumpkin Butter

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone know a recipe for making pumkin butter and how to can it? Can it be water bathed as it is low acid or must it be pressured?

-- Cindy Holloway (hollo@bitwisesystems.com), November 02, 1999


A "butter" is just the pulp [usually fruit] cooked until thick with sugar and spices, I have made it from apples,pears and plums. It would work the same with pumpkin,maybe use the same spices you use in Pumpkin pie. If you have a crock pot try cooking it overnight in that,sure saves a lot of stiring.

-- Doris Richards (dorisquilts@webtv.net), November 03, 1999.

You would can by water bath. I have made it several times...its great! If you need a recipe, let me know

-- Jenny Pipes (auntjenny6@aol.com), November 07, 1999.

Pumpkin is low acid. I always pressure unless using a recipe with a lot of vinegar. I use the oven at 250'and a stainless steel pot to reduce fruit butters and tomato sauce.

-- Kendy Sawyer (sweetfire@grove.net), November 07, 1999.

If I can straight pumpkin...yes, for sure pressure can it, but I meant pumpkin butter which is more of a jam sort of a thing, with added lemon peel, lots of sugar etc, and pectin. That, I water bath can.

-- Jenny Pipes (auntjenny6@aol.com), November 07, 1999.

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