Negative feedback left to me : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Well Mr.,

I got the camera for my girlfriends father. Since I got it for a decent deal I decided to keep it. Her father happened to have bought another camera also on sale, so I figured I'd just sell the one I have. I intend to contact the buyer of my camera and leave my work and home number. I am an honest guy and do not appreciate the negative comments. Thank you.

-- systemdoc (, November 07, 1999


my 2 cents:

I think the reason you got the "negative feedback" was because you did not mention that YOU were selling the camera.


-- David Erskine (, November 08, 1999.

A post that we thought was a request for information from a potential purchaser received good advice ('be wary of an unknown seller'). That wasn't a negative comment, just good advice.

Now it turns out the the post was really an advert. If we had known it was an advert, doubtless it would have received different comments.

-- Alan Gibson (, November 08, 1999.

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