Looking for feedback on the Kodak DC215greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
I'm thinking of purchasing the new Kodak DC215 (Millenium EDition) and would like any feedback I can get. I know the camera is very new, but there should be some information available. My primary interest is for posting images to auction sites and for some family snapshots. Thanks in advance!
-- Brad Oman (brick@sunlink.net), November 08, 1999
the DC215 is a 1 megapixel cam. It's got 2x zoom, almost no manual control, no external flash. It's small and light. If this set of features is ok, I'd recommend the canon A50 instead, costs the same but better bang for the buck.
-- benoit (foo@bar.com), November 08, 1999.
I brough the Kodak DC215 (Gold model) and it is a very simple snapshot digital camera that takes GREAT! pictures. The DC215 Gold model came with a 8MB Compactflash card, a SanDisk Compactflash card reader (USB model), serial cable and 4 AA batteries. It is very simple to set up. A quick setup instructions sheet came with the camera as well as a manual. It took me just 15 minutes to setup the camera, take several pictures around the hourse and upload them to the computer using the SanDisk Compactflash card reader. I highly recommend the DC215 to anyone who wants a good first digital camera that takes excellent snapshot pictures. There are better digital camera out there but they cost more. It all depends on how much you want to pay. You might want to take a look at the Oly D450 Zoom, a great camera with a fast 3x zoom and three ISO setting. The Kodak DC215 would make a good digital for auction pictures.
-- Stephen Kovac Jr (skovac@qualcomm.com), December 11, 1999.