Could kitten pick up bad habits of older cat? : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

We are currently the owners of a 5 year old Maine Coon and a 19 year old tabby cat. We would like very much to get a Maine Coon kitten this Christmas but are concerned that the sloppy litter box habits of the 19 year old may be a "bad influence" on the kitten. Our Maine Coon has perfect box habits despite the older one who really only misbehaves because of a bit of arthritis. We believe both of our cats would adjust to a kitten extremely well (they are both very gentle) but our main concern (no pun intended!) is that the kitten not establish bad box habits for a lifetime. Any t

-- Anonymous, November 08, 1999


I do not believe the kitten will pick up any bad litter box habits from the old cat. Providing the kitten has been properly "trained" by its Mum (and the breeder) it will continue to use the litter box in the way it always had. One thing to remember when you get the kitten is to ensure you continue to use the same type of box and litter that it is used to. A kitten used to a small, uncovered box may be intimidated if faced with a huge, covered box! If for some reason you wish to change the type of litter, make sure you only do that gradually.....adding some of your new type to the old type and slowly increasing the percentage of new type of litter. Avoid any clumping litters....these are not healthy for your cats. If you wish more info about this, contact me directly. Good luck.

-- Anonymous, November 11, 1999

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