LF Portrait Lenses

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I want to do more portrait photography with my Toyo 4x5. I have on lens, a Rodenstock 210 Geronar, but am wondering whether there might be better lenses for this kind of work. Any help would be appreciated.

-- Robb Reed (reed@nhrc.navy.mil), November 09, 1999


Try either of these: 300mm/9 M Nikkor, or 300mm/8.5 C Fujinon. Both are small and light (the Fuji only 250 g), and use a #1 shutter. Both will give sharp portraits.

-- John Costo (mahler@lvcm.com), November 09, 1999.

Make sure you have enough bellows extension for a 300mm. The 210 may be a better choice for tight portraits, and maybe a 150 for small group shots.

-- Ron Shaw (shaw9@llnl.gov), November 10, 1999.

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