Who do you worry about?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Novenotes : One Thread

Just yourself? A pet? A child? A parent? Who gives you cause for especial concern?--Al

-- Al Schroeder (al.schroeder@nashville.com), November 14, 1999


Jamie, Eric, to a lesser extent Barb and Brian, and my mother.--Al

-- Al Schroeder (al.schroeder@nashville.com), November 14, 1999.

who don't i worry about? i worry about my friend tom and his procrastination habits, i worry about my friend mike and his drinking habits, i worry about the girls who have broken up with boys recently, i worry about ginny being too stressed out, i worry about my roommate and her boyfriend.

i never bother to worry about me, though.

-- aggie (donkara@carleton.edu), November 15, 1999.

What, me worry? Seriously, though, I worry about my new grandson. I worry about my mom driving when she's getting too old to drive. I worry about my son in prison. I worry about something awful happening to my daughter 3,000 miles away. I worry about my oldest son using drugs and me being powerless to do anything about it. And I worry about me. But with a Higher Power in my life, I try to just turn it all over to Him/Her...

-- Sunshyn (sunshyndream@aol.com), November 15, 1999.

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