DBCC Allocation Descrepency

greenspun.com : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread

I am getting the following warning from DBCC (SQLServer 6.5).

" Consistency checking ofslink2 There was a problem running the DBCC . SQL Server returned the following error message: Allocation Discrepancy: Page is allocated but not linked; check the following pages and ids: allocation pg#=460800 extent id=461048 logical pg#=461048 object id on extent=8 (object name = syslogs) indid on extent=0 "

I cannot find anything in manuals or technet to help me in resolving the problem. Any ideas ?

-- Anonymous, November 15, 1999



This error, number 2540, occurs when a page in the database cannot be used because the allocation chain skips over it. This is not usually a serious problem; it just means that there is one page in the database that cannot be used. If it is desirable to recover the page, run DBCC CheckDB to make sure there are no other problems, and then run DBCC FIX_AL to fix the allocation chain.

Good Luck,


-- Anonymous, November 19, 1999

there is an article on Microsoft site http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;195543 i hope this helps


-- Anonymous, March 11, 2004

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