Toshiba PDR-M4 - Video ?? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Your reveiw indicates that a software upgrade exists for my M4 that would allow me to take MPEG video clips on my M4.

Toshiba people don't seem to know about it.

Does it exist ? How well does it work ? How do I get it ?

-- Dennis Peterson (, November 19, 1999


See my reply to the query a couple of questions up the list - Toshiba Japan has apparently killed this upgrade for "product reasons." :-(

I'll try to update the review asap, to avoid further confusion!

-- Dave Etchells (, November 29, 1999.

They must know something, since they have incorporated this feature into the PDR-M5, but apparently they have decided that it is "too much work" to develop and post a version for the PDR-M4.

-- bruce komusin (, November 21, 1999.

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