C of G Rebuilding after Shermans March to Savannah

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I am seeking information on when the Central repaired tracks connecting Augusta to Macon after Sherman"s March? Wheeler was able to save track connecting Augusta to Waynesboro. This is the only information I have on this research. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Tom Reynolds

-- Tom Reynolds (TLazear@email.MSN.com), November 25, 1999


Tom, I live in Eatonton/ milledgeville area at present. Just between where your question pertains. Could you reccomend a good book to me about this area/time? I grew up on the saluda river in S.C. right where he blew up the Saluda Factory.. Thanks, Gary

-- gary morris (rgamorri@hotmail.com), March 02, 2003.

The book The Railroads of the Confederacy has a good deal of information about Sherman's destruction of this Railroad and also about its rebuilding. The author is Robert C. Black III. Your Library probably has a copy. If not it can be purchased from Amazon.com or Barnesandnoble.com.

-- Steve Riley (jriley1002@aol.com), May 08, 2001.

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