Whatever Happened To Marie Cosindas?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Some 25 years ago I took a workshop at ICP from Marie Cosindas, the famous Boston photographer who specialized in Polaroid. She was a great photographer and superb teacher, but her health was not good at that time. It has now been some 10 years since I have seen her work mentioned, and I wonder if anyone can give me an update? (The greatest benefit I got from the workshop was to convince me that I was not destined to become a disciple, but that my photographic futute lay along a different path.)
-- Bill Mitchell (bmitch@home.com), November 26, 1999
Hmmm...I'd be interested too. I bought a copy of her book of colour polaroid work in the early 70's and was blown away. The most incredible use of colour I'd seen for a long time. I'd love to see more of her work.
-- Bruce Pollock (pollock@telus.net), November 26, 1999.
By Eleanor Spaak http://www.backbayguide.com/eleanorarchives.htm...At large to explain the pull-and-tug were BPL Foundation stunner Grace Regan, tireless hotelier Peggy Dray and Sally Funk of Neiman-Marcus. BPL Trustee, Joe Mullaney, he's a VIP at Gillette, chose to skirt the issue. So did sparkling Amanda Batey, Bernard's wife, Smoki Bacon and Marie Cosindas, who crosses their legs and drank tea... http://www.backbayguide.com/eleanorarchives.htm
oo-- dWs http://GuideToProblematicalLibraryUse.weblogs.com/stories
-- Don Saklad (don@saklad.org), December 24, 2000.
Bill, try Hugo de Pagano Gallery in New york: fax (212) 262-2927. I'd be interested to hear the outcome if you decide to pursue this lead. They had or still have work by Marie Cosindas.Regards and best wishes for the season.
-- Hans Berkhout (berkhout@cadvision.com), December 24, 2000.
Marie Cosindas may have slowed down a little, (haven't we all?) but she's alive and well and lives in Boston
-- RTG (fxdwg1450@aol.com), February 20, 2001.
I just got a call from a fiend that told me that she is teaching a workshop in Lubec Maine this summer.
-- Leslie Bowman (bowman_l@nemaine.com), June 27, 2001.
Some months back, I spoke over the telephone to the gentleman who operates the Polaroid replica print gallery in Boston; when I asked of the whereabouts of Marie Cosindas, he assured me that he sees her "about every month or so," and that she often drops by just to say hello.
-- Douglas Jones (dcj9@cornell.edu), July 05, 2001.
one of my favorite fotos is a (candid?) shot of Yousef Karsh by marie cosindas in which Karsh is contemplating an egyptian stone(?) head in a museum case. the foto appears as the author/artist shot in a number of karsh's portrait collections. the best of these is the book prepared in conjunction with his first us show at the mfa in boston.
-- r michel (michel@tcn.org), July 19, 2001.
I just did a Google search to see some images of Ms. Cosindas's work, and came upon this message stream. As of last Tuesday, August 14, Marie Cosindas was up and about. She was here at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston for the opening of an exhibition, and she and I chatted briefly about the photographs of the collector/artist Sarah Choate Sears.
-- George Shackelford (gshackelford@mfa.org), August 21, 2001.
do you know of anyone planning to attend the lubec workshop with marie cosindas?
-- (mers@nytimes.com), August 24, 2001.
Hiya, i know this does not help neone else but i was wondering if you could help me out a little, I am currently an A-levels student in the United Kingdom and I am trying to find information and especially eamples of photographs of her works, so if anyone out the re can help me please get back to me as soon as possible. Thanx for reading this, I find her work brilliant and uplifting, please get back to me someone, my teacher is trying to make me use another photographer for my coursework and i don't want to lol xx adam xx
-- Adam Wilcox (guyinbucks15@aol.com), October 11, 2001.
Many, many years ago I saw an exhibition of Marie Cosindas's work in a San Francisco Museum. I never forgot her images and have been searching for years to purchase a copy of the monograph of that exibit. I see mention on the net of very expensive books in the $400 range but am wondering if anyone knows of how i might obtain a less expensive version, particulary the exhibition catalogue. Her work is just outstanding and truly unforgetable.
-- shana millstein (shana@itsa.ucsf.edu), January 02, 2002.
Just saw her last night at a lecture. She and I were joking together in the back row. Still as vibrant as ever. When I see her next month I'll send word.
-- (resompd@yahoo.com), January 30, 2002.
about 25 years ago i went to a design conference in colorado and toook a workshop with marie and duane michaels i landed up assting her for the time there---now i am a photographer myself i would love to wrire her--anyone have her address----thanks --marc hauser----i love her work and loved her as i saw her work come right from her heart and her love for he
-- Marc Hauser (MarcFocus@aol.com), March 27, 2002.
about 25 years ago i went to a design conference in colorado and toook a workshop with marie and duane michaels i landed up assting her for the time there---now i am a photographer myself i would love to wrire her--anyone have her address----thanks --marc hauser----i love her work and loved her as i saw her work come right from her heart and her love for her art--would love to get her address so i can send her some of my books an
-- Marc Hauser (MarcFocus@aol.com), March 27, 2002.
Miss Cosindas is alive, well, and delightful as usual. She's listed in the Boston telephone book.
-- Bill (bmitch@comcast.net), March 27, 2002.
That should have been MS. Cosindas.
-- Bill (bmitch@comcast.net), March 27, 2002.
This has been delightful for me to read: just yesterday I was looking at a book of her early work and smiled my way to bed; there are artists who should live very long lives and she is certainly one of those. Thanks to all who responded to the original question.
-- Pat Bennett (patrickdrapery@aol.com), June 25, 2002.