How do I get copies of the digital photography news letter? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am subscribed to the digital photography newsletter. There are times when I cannot get to the article quickly, so I leave it in the e-mail inbox. One of my family members decided they know what is best and deleted the most recent issue (vol. 1, no. 5). How do I get another copy? I have looked around the IR website but did not see a reference to back issues. Thank you for your help. By the way, I really enjoy the newsletter. I do not own a digital camera at this time, but probably will in the future. I like to be informed before I buy, so the reviews are very helpful. I enjoyed the articles on Kodak Picture CD and am considering using this service. I have Corel Photopaint 7 but have not been able to use it successfully do to a lack of understanding. Any sugestions as to a good how-to book, or a series of atricles would be helpful. Scott R. Griffin

-- Scott Griffin (, November 28, 1999

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