Scramble ROM set : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Which is the correct set for T2, Stern or Konami? Only Stern's seems to be running fine with mame 0.34.

-- Blost (, November 29, 1999


The Konami one wasn't added until .35. It was also made the "default" Scramble set then. So what was "scramble" in .34 became "scrambls" in .35. This also means that people using win35 for T2 must use "scrambls" (Scramble (Stern)), because otherwise they'd have an unfair advantage since the Konami set is a lot easier.

Ben Jos.

-- Ben Jos Walbeehm (, November 29, 1999.

I move that we make that an official rule that you have to use the scrambls set if you're using win35 instead of the scramble set. Any objections?

-- Gameboy9 (, November 30, 1999.

The problem I'm having in the tournament is this: I have the Scramble rom set for the -newest- version of mame. I'm apparantly missing stuff, and need to get the old one, if possible. :)

-- Jason Ballew (, November 30, 1999.

tcl games

-- ferry (, June 12, 2004.

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