The Nose '99 beta needed : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

We are planning on climbing this next autumn (just can't bring myself to say fall!)Found lots of beta but none of it seems very recent.Any fist hand accounts,or directions to web links would be greatly appreciated,especially regards what gear to take-50m or 60m ropes?We are a couple of old(50) trad climbers leading 5-9 .Are we in over our heads?Obviously plan on some smaller walls first with aid etc.All advice will be taken to heart.Thanks Ian. "One mustn't overlook the importance of staying alive" Tom Patey (killed in a rappell accident}

-- Ian Munslow (, November 29, 1999


Is 96 recent enough? Check out

It is tough for most to jump on the Nose for your first big wall. But it's possible.


-- George Bell (, December 03, 1999.

Its all in your head (and arms)

If your realy WANT to do something, nothing can stop you. If you only THINK you want to do something, don't bother, find something you WANT to do instead (swim with the dolphins, arm wrestle a gorilla etc).

Remeber the hardest part of any climb is cutting through it's myth and bullshit. The easist way to do that is get on it and find out for yourself, and generaly you'll find it's mainly the latter.

As for dieing, don't sweat it. If your a fuckwit you'll only die in the gym instead!


-- Andy K (, April 01, 2000.

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