Mame TG3 : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

It's done.

All the problems of T2 have been addressed.

ALL of them.

-- Mark Longridge (, November 30, 1999


Tubular! I have to thank Mark for all he has done especially for the upcoming tournaments.

Eh? Tournaments? Yeah... this version will be the ONLY legal version that will be allowed in T3. No official windows versions (like we have in T2) will be allowed.

Since this release is a MAME 35 FINAL release I believe(correct me if I'm wrong Mark), think about this when you vote for your three games in the next tournament.(that motion did pass...)

-- Gameboy9 (, November 30, 1999.

Could somebody refresh my memory, what were the differences to official version. Atleast no pause, and not that "rerecording"-cheat possibility. What else?

Can you still use moslo, and getaway with it? Is it possible to see what framerate did someone have during recording?(If yes, what would be the "speed limit"? -I never get 60 fps, but something like 59,77774 or 57,xxxx -even though pressing F10 speeds up the game to 350% etc.) Can you spot autofire?(thinking of next torment and,...well you know which game)

Good that someone does something solid to level the playing arena!!!

-- Tommi Tiihonen (, November 30, 1999.

Great Mark !!!!
Starting from T3, we'll have a maybe more difficult, but surely a real tournament....actually I believed also T1 was not so 'cheating infected', but maybe I'm too confident in others fairness, or maybe it was not so evident !!!
Anyway, a good piece of news indeed !!!
To Tommi: TG Mame features are : no pause (or pause_blanking_the_screen ....Mark knows...), no 'rerecording', framerate encrypted in each frame in the .inp, and eventually somenthing else Mark will tell us....
Autofire is another problem: I doubt it could be prevented, but it's evident enough to refuse those games in which it's used !!!
Thanks again, Mark !!!


-- Cicca (, November 30, 1999.

Well done Mark ! Maybe at some future date , all MARP contributions would HAVE to use this new TG version ? That`s one for Zwaxy. Admittedly , I do use the pause button on some games , but not for any advantage, but simply as stated before , to answer the door , answer the call of nature etc.. but for any Tournament I may be involved in ( i.e Deca 2000 at Snipercade ) this TG version would be great. Of course , I`d have to make sure I don`t answer my doorbell..etc. But 'Tournament' play really emulates the arcade environment...( i.e NO doorbell, NO wife to answer to , NO dog to walk etc..!! , and no nipping off to the toilet....groan ). It`s a pity that this new version can`t 'officially' or ' technically' detect Auto-Fire ( I think ? ). It still sickens me that apparently skilled players on some games , have the gaulle ( and the shame ) to use Auto-Fire and other dubious methods on other games, at the expense of others` honest game-play. They know who they are ( so do I )....... Tim is right about his NSR`s . I agree with him 100%. I always check my recordings before submitting ( so if any don`t playback , well then I don`t know why ). I`ll be making my last submissions to MARP this weekend sometime (for a while anyhow ), because I`ve basically run out of games to play. And as opposed to submitting ' lame' scores ( hey ! , I potted 2 balls in Gimme A Break ...type of thing ).....I`m off to practice. Lets hope that in the meantime the 'honourable' cheaters out there will find that ' edit ' link , and delete their scores to zero.

If we can find peace in Ireland , than surely we can find peace at MARP ? I hope so...... Once again , congrats Mark on your acheivements thus far. Later.....

-- Alex Weir (, November 30, 1999.

I think the auto-fire can be spotted by any judge.

I'll probably make a few other modifications, right now it's ALWAYS showing the frame rate on screen. Everyone will let me know what they think I'm sure.

If anyone has one of these "slo mo" programs and can send me one I'll check it out with regard to the frame rate. FPS will not be effected by turning off the cache, but slomo programs, I'm not certain how they will effect the program.

-- Mark Longridge (, November 30, 1999.

very cool indeed. The sun is starting to shine on marp again.

Mark, i dunno if you're trying NOT to advertise your site :), but it's proly good to cut and paste the URL where you can actually get MameTG3, now i have to use a bloody search engine.

Autofire is sometimes difficult to spot. Zwaxy and I have made a program that can help a judge make a more concrete decision for determining what recordings are more likely to have been recorded with autofire or not.

If anyone has an autofire mechanism and would like to help, please mail me ( three recordings of the same game (any game any mame version just tell me which, but preferably a game that needs banging), (1) made with using autofire constantly, (2) made with using autofire for some of the recording and hand banging the rest, (3) no autofire used just your skin and finger nails.

-- Chad (, December 01, 1999.

the first type of test .inp we want should read: (1) with autofire on at all times (you don't have to hold the autofire down for the whole recording, just don't turn autofire off)

-- Chad (, December 01, 1999.

Great news guys! Well done! Mark I have emailed you a copy of Moslo (dos) and Turbo (win). I hope this new TG3 exe comes up trumps and can detect bogus recordings using them. Let us know how you fare. Pardon my ignorance but it hasn't been mentioned so I have to ask - can the new exe determine what dip switch settings are being used?

-- Tim Morrow (, December 01, 1999.

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