Ever had a day that you'd like to take back?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Oh, you know you have. Tell us about your latest intensely stupid bad day.

-- Anonymous, December 01, 1999


Oh, man, it's happening right now. It's 10 AM here and I've already been bombarded with at least 5 things that need my immediate attention. And I at least three other big things that needed to get done today.

And my ear is killing me and I have a dentist appointment and I'm tired as hell. All I want to do is go back home and go to sleep and forget this day ever started!

And I brush my teeth in my pj's in the morning before I shower and dress to avoid the stain. At least I just get the stain in my pj's.

I need Calgon to take me away!

-- Anonymous, December 01, 1999

I've been having muliple bad work days recently - the kind where even though you get into work an hour early within half an hour you realise you're never going to finish all the things you need to. Could be worse right? Add in the fact that I'm caught in the middle of a political tug of war that doesn't seem to be ending - it just keeps getting worse and worse. I dread going in each day at the moment 'cos just as I think it can't get and worse it does. And I have a murderous tension headache. Okay so I'm looking for sympathy!

-- Anonymous, December 01, 1999

Yeah -- today is looking that way too.

We have 250 in the bank and the checks that haven't cleared yet amount to 246.

I made a 175 deposit today, but the gym automatically renewed our memberships and made a 160 deduction to our account yesterday that will go through today.

The car wouldn't start this morning, and we've been driving around with expired inspection stickers for almost a year now because of a crack in the windshield that we don't have money to fix.

It's Christmas month and now we have the car in the shop and I'm sure that will eat up whatever small amount of cash we had left to get presents.

At work, we have 10 days to finish the migration of all of the websites for each of the branches of one division of the Navy, from old design to new design and incorporate changes for Lotus Domino.

And it's cold. Very cold. Butt-numbingly cold and my coat won't zip up because I'm too fat, despite a month of working out religiously at the gym.

Today sucks.

-- Anonymous, December 01, 1999

Yesterday was a bad day for me & everyone else I've talked to. Suffice to say that my day started out with a bunch of mean people letting the elevator door (of the sole, super-slow elevator in this building - & I work on the 11th floor) close in my face. This set the tone for the day and, in fact, was to happen to me two more times before the day was over.

Combined with all the other irritating and frustrating events of the day, I can only surmise that some sort of evil cosmic plan - with the sole intention of making me cry - was unleashed yesterday .

-- Anonymous, December 01, 1999

You know, my husband dripped toothpaste on HIS black shirt this morning and he told me from now on, he's brushing his teeth only in the nude before he showers. I'm all for nude toothbrushing... start a trend!

-- Anonymous, December 01, 1999

It seems that today just has bad karma. It's not a good day. And that really sucks. Today, I woke up 20 minutes late. Yeah, big deal, but normally I get up 45 minutes before I leave and I dawdle. And my brother was in the shower. Now that he's in College, can't he schedule his classes so he's not in there at 7 in the morning? I know he can. And even if I didn't beg him to get out and for me to hop in, he would of been in there for a half an hour. So I had a 2 minute shower. And left. While I was walking over to my rides house, I spilt Hot Chocolate on my jacket. Luckily I just dry cleaned the fucking jacket!! Before I got it cleaned, it didn't attract things like that. But of course. So, we left, and we pick another girl up and she hadn't even gotten up yet! Huh. And so she had ohhh about a minute to get ready. Yeah, that was fun. And as I was walking down the halls, some guy dropped his sucker on me!! First off, suckers suck, they are evil, and they make you look like a fucking moron, that's just what I think. It looks even worse when guys have lolipops. He didn't even say he was sorry. Guhhh.

In Chemistry, this stupid ass was bugging me, and I was tired. I had about 3 minutes to test 16 different things. That doesn't work for good testing time. And I need to get my hair cut. It's doing a wierd curly thing.

-- Anonymous, December 01, 1999

I don't have stupid whole days because I can't remember from one end of the day to the other because I'm too fucking tired. Making babies burns energy.

I have stupid parts of days. Mornings are hideous because my bloodsugar is low. If your blood sugar gets too low, you can pass out. I've never passed out, but I get very stupid for a while. I have to test my sugar, grab a syringe and alcohol swab,head to the kitchen find, warm and inject insulin and then head off to the shower, while simultaneously kicking Grumpy Guy from the bed and getting Jabbermouth Boy out of bed to eat breakfast and dress himself. Then I go back to shower and figure out clothes. Then I have to remember to eat, which should be easy, but remember I am Low Sugar Pregnant Woman, so I always feel like I'm moving in slow motion or something. I've driven halfway to Sacramento and realized I neither ate nor took insulin and had to turn around and go back to Davis to get both. By the time I get to work, my sugar is coming up and the insulin is giving it to the brain cells, but I feel like I'm short about 40 IQ points for an hour each morning.

-- Anonymous, December 02, 1999

Uhm... how about today? I haven't added a single word to my 40-page-due-way-too-soon paper, even though I dragged myself out of bed at 8 am, rode 3 km to the computer lab through rain and wind that nearly drove me into inanimate objects.

I found out that my perfectly designed schedule for next semester fell apart, probably due either to an administrative glitch or the incompetence of the asshole registrar.

I need to add money to my print card but the change machine is broken and all I have is a 50.

At least I proved my Minnesota bad-assedness by going out for a cigarette (I smoke only under stress, so this is another bad-day indicator) without a coat, while all the wussy Dutch folks huddled in corners, bundled up.

-- Anonymous, December 03, 1999

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