need info about horseman 450 : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Can"t fond info on 450 and have a chance to get one .Is it a old model and what model is it clos to being in say the calumet catalog. Or is it a european model is there a cross reference#.Is ti high end or beginner?Good or bad ? Need to make a quick decision would appreciate help Thanks

-- mike kuszek (, December 02, 1999


mike if you go to e-bay right now there is one for sale. yes it is higer end equipment. you can see a more complete price catalogue on the most comprable horseman at this time is the one they refer to as the LE model. i believe it has been selling for about 1300-1500. i prefer the 450 because the front standard has the gear drivven focus whereas the newer model LE does not. i paid 750.00 for mine earlier this year. much of the accessories are compatible with sinar and toyo. if you are looking for a well made precision professional studio camera, i think you can't go wrong. the one on e-bay actually looks better than mine. one note, if you are interested in field work it's really too heavy for that. also you will need a good tripod and head. i use a gitzo 411 with a 370 head. hopes this helps rihard

-- richard hill (, December 02, 1999.

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