Woodridge meet: how to do 6 and 7?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

the 8th and 9th legs

-- Michael (meglin@juno.com), December 04, 1999


I paused at #5 for a second or two realizing that I really didn't have a plan for leaving. I soon realized that running straight was the plan. There was someone else approaching #6 as I entered the field, but I don't know him. The reentrant was quite shallow, but the control was visible from the distance.

To #7 I ran pretty straight, hoping to see through the woods to locate the end of the field just S. of the control to guide my route. I wasn't confident that I saw that so more or less used my compass.

-- Mook (everett@psi.edu), December 07, 1999.

2:00 (16:04) -- to 6 Again, planning one leg ahead, I knew that I wanted to go as straight as I could by the compass. After coming through the second treeline, I was able to see the control.

2:11 (18:15) -- to 7 As the woods had been nice, I planned again, going straight, but went right of the line and crossed the reentrant maybe 50 meters to the south. Correcting, I angled left into the field then turned left towards the spur. Again, easily found.

-- Fritz Menninger (fpmenninger@hotmail.com), December 08, 1999.

Straight shots to both of these controls.

-- Swampfox (mikell@sprynet.com), December 11, 1999.

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