Woodridge meet: how to do the 3rd, 4th and 5th legs?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

the 8th and 9th legs

-- Michael (meglin@juno.com), December 04, 1999


To #3 I ran fairly straight, but after climbing the hill I arrived at the field edge perhaps 20m south of the line. I adjusted my route and went straight through the green section out in the field. As long as you keep your eyes open there are fast ways through much of the darker green as well. It was obvious that the woods at Woodridge were fairly nice, and that Raymond had probably worked to keep the courses in nice areas (or perhaps Mary spent an awful lot of time with a swingblade while Spike was fieldchecking).

To #4 I ran along the field edge until near the control (which is the end of a stone wall - it doesn't look like a stone wall on my browser). I saw the fire circle along the way. Spike did a nice job in selecting his symbol.

I ran through the woods to #5 since they looked fast. I got up on the spur above the control and ran down it passing the small depression along the way.

-- Mook (everett@psi.edu), December 07, 1999.

to 3 -- 3:27 Ran closesly up the left side of the reentrant and still emerged south of the green in the field. AS I crossed the field, I was checking out the shape of the vegetation boundary -- it curves away south of the piece of map above. I figured I could enter almost anywhere and get caught by the reentrant. Besides there were about five people in the area. Was disappointed that I crossed the rockwall without knowing that I would. Very pleasant area to run through.

to 4 -- 1:27 Trying to use systematic o' I looked ahead and saw the nice handrail of the field edge along with the catching feature of the green to the right. And Mike Shifman was so kind as to provide clarification from the attack point, arriving at the marker as I entered the bit of woods. The fire circle was but a brief memory...

to 5 -- 1:59 Embarrassment Factor! Mike was leaving the control, and where was he going? He went more uphill, as I tried to contour and stay low. It seemed like the hillside went on for too long, then I bumped into the small depression to the right of the line. Reassured, I moved to the apex of the spur and could see the control from there. By now, I'm noticing that the controls are hung fairly well and sometimes can be seen from quite aways off.

-- Fritz Menninger (fpmenninger@hotmail.com), December 08, 1999.

I made a weak swing to the right to get to #3, choosing to avoid the banana of green in the field, but not avoiding a small patch of briars at the SW edge of the control circle.

My routes to #4 and #5 were the same as Mook, but I probably ran slower since I was wondering what wood nymphs do when cold rains come.

-- Swampfox (mikell@sprynet.com), December 11, 1999.

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