Woodridge meet: the first leg looks easy -- was it?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

the 8th and 9th legs

-- Michael (meglin@juno.com), December 04, 1999


It was, but not after a brief look at the possibility of cutting the corner through the woods. And it was such a delight seeing the feature before the flag.

-- Fritz Menninger (fpmenninger@hotmail.com), December 06, 1999.

My split was 1:01, with 21 seconds to get from maps to the start.

-- Fritz Menninger (fpmenninger@hotmail.com), December 06, 1999.

I think the first control was indeed rather easy. You can't lose much time missing it as long as you read the cluesheet accurately so that you look in the right part of the knoll. Since it is the first control it pays to spike it, and I did. I took partly trail and partly woods to get there. I was pleased at the openess of the light green and decided that I could run through a lot of that on the rest of the course. It was pretty fast running and since the trails were a bit muddy in spots, the light green and white woods looked even more relatively attractive.

-- Mook (everett@psi.edu), December 07, 1999.

Did anyone actually cut across? I didn't even consider it a possibility. My split was 1:12.

-- Douglas Bass (LONGHORN OC) (compass@dellnet.com), December 08, 1999.

I was a bit surprised anyone cut through the woods. I doesn't really seem like it save much time. But, I guess a few seconds here and there will add up.

-- Michael (mike_eglinski@kcmo.org), December 10, 1999.

I ran on the trails, enjoying the mud. Perhaps it would have been faster to have run straight through the woods, but knowing I was in Kansas, I felt not the temptation.

-- Swampfox (mikell@sprynet.com), December 10, 1999.

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