Coolpix : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
I have Coolpix 950 . Why cant the wide angle lens be used with internal or external flash,is it because the flash sensor is obsured by the lens ? Is there any way round this ? Seems to me to be a huge drawback as I assume most people will want to use the wide angle lens indoors with flash.Are there any digi cameras that can be used with flash and wide angle adapter ? Or am I just stupid ?
-- David Mac (, December 04, 1999
The 950's flash and sensor are both obstructed by the accessory lenses. An external flash can be used, but the flash power must be set manually since the sensor is still not usable. All this could have been avoided by placing the flash and sensor farther from the lens. But, how large a camera are you willing to carry? Everything is a trade off.
-- Steve (, December 05, 1999.