Nikon 950/Manfrotto QuickTime VR Panoramic mount problems. : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have been using a Nikon 950 with a Manfrotto Panoramic head for a couple of weeks. I have found an alignment problem with the CoolPix 950. Because of the forward location of the camera mount, the 950 tends to "lean" forward when secured to any tripod mount. This is causing a problem setting the perfect "nodal point". I was hoping someone had come up with a solution for this. Please e-mail me with suggestions.

-- Stephen Potts (, December 05, 1999


This is a problem with almost any camera. A focusing rail for macro photography will go a long way towards solving your problem. It will allow you to adjust your camera so that the nodal point of the lens will pivot over the center of rotation of your tripod mount. they are available at most camera stores.

Jonathan Ratzlaff

-- Jonathan Ratzlaff (, December 07, 1999.

try Kaidan's Kiwi 900/950 it is designed specifically for the Nikon CoolPix 950 and has two predrilled holes for normal and wide lenses for exact nodal placement. Another option is to use QuickStitch 2.0, no panoramic head or tripod is even needed.

-- john (, January 05, 2000.

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