Yosemite Climate

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I'm a first time visitor, from England, to Yosemite hoping to spend all day on the crags at the back end of summer.

At what time of the year does it cool down enough to allow long days on the crags. ??

Sensible answers appreciated. Joke answers laughed at.

Cheers in anticipation

Frank Allender

-- Frnk Allender (frankallender@thermoquest.co.uk), December 06, 1999


The standard response would be "September". Depends on the year though, and how well you can take the heat. Plus you cen regulate things a bit climbing on the shady or sunny sides, depending on the temp.

-- George Bell (gibell@uswest.com), December 08, 1999.

September is quite iddeal, although July and August are primo up in Touluamne- Toulamne- Touloumne- Touloamne- Tuolomne how ever you spell it!!! And also Toulllllll-WHAT EVER is excelent for doing tons of great routes all day, cause it is easy to chase or hide from the sun on the round domes

-- Bunz (hothotbunz@yahoo.com), December 08, 1999.

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