Anyone used a Panasonic AJ-D215 DVCPRO?? : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
Has anyone tried the Panasonic AJ-D215 DVCPRO camcorder? I am thinking of getting one and am looking for opinions.Thanks!
-- Michael Lutton (, December 09, 1999
I have the AJ-D215 DVC Pro and I think its a great cam for the price. I work news and have seen and shot with higher end models, and as far as I can tell, the only diffirence are the extra bells and wistles like LCD display, VU meters and such. But still, the 215 has enough features to get the job done.
-- Angelo Lopes (, July 14, 2002.
Great unit. Perfect for those gearing up for a serious career.
-- Kimo Sabi (, August 08, 2004.