JVC DVM70u Camcorder Noise

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I just purchased a JVC DVM70u camera and noticed that in a quiet room the sound of the motor gets recorded on tape. I can hear the motor running, so it makes sense that the microphone picks it up. I have went to Circuit City and Best Buy and verified that it occurs on their JVC units as well.

I have not had the opportunity to check the mini units from Cannon or Sony. Is this a common problem with the mini units, or do other manufacturers handle this?

I have a few weeks left if I want to return it.

Any comments are appreciated.



-- Ben Kinser (bkinser@siscom.net), December 14, 1999


Hi, I just bought a ..75 JVC and it has the same problem...a motor hiss...high-pitched buzz.

-- FunkyChops.com (webmaster@funkychops.com), March 29, 2003.

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