Weaning a doelinggreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Merry Christmas,,, I have a 6mo. old doeling who was weaned at one time,but now she has started nursing again. At this time I have no place to seperate her. Does anyone have any ideas? I tried hot sause on the does teats and I think the liked it. Doris in Idaho
-- Doris Richards (dorisquilts@webtv.net), December 22, 1999
I'd like to know the answer to this question. We have a doeling that has been weaned for 4 months and now that her "mom" is ready to have kids she's started trying to nurse again. I tried vinegar and didn't phase her. She's the only one we've ever had to do that. I hopethe answer isn't to separate them as we don't have room to do that. Thanks for asking the question
-- Peggy Carr (wclpc@cookeville.com), December 22, 1999.
The caprine cataloge has something called teat tape that you put on the does to stop nursing, Never used it so dont know if it works?
-- kathy h (saddlebronc@msn.com), December 22, 1999.
Seperate them, they are farm animals. If they are pets, then let them do whatever, it is your decision.
-- Bob Henderson (redgate@echoweb.net), December 22, 1999.
Hi Doris and Peggy. I have the same type of problems sometimes because of the inability to seperate my animals. Ive used cayenne pepper mixed into vaseline to keep my goats from eating my horses tail and it should work on the does teats, but it might burn her so try it on your skin first. You might also try someting sticky like Vapo-Rub or some other awful smelling cream. I got desperate because I couldnt keep a calf from nursing my goats. My solution was a "bra" type bag over the udder attached over her back with velcro straps. Hope this helps.
-- Julie (juliecapasso@aol.com), December 22, 1999.
Here is something I read about in the Dairy Goat Journal:after milking,wash her udder and apply bag balm. Then dip the entire teat into alum.Do this for a week or two and it should break the habit. This is supposed to work on a self sucking doe, but I don't see why it wouldn't work on kids ,too.Is the dam pregnant yet? Often when the mother gets bred she will wean the kid ,because the pregnancy hormones make her teats sensitive and tender.I have seen this work when nothing else did, but I've never tried the alum.Hope this helps.
-- Rebekah Leaf (daniel1@transport.com), December 23, 1999.
Well, i got some doelings on my little farm. When I don't want them to suck on they mamas i put a bit o peanut butter on the tit. Theys does hate a little peanut butter. It does make them have some rancid runny stuff come out dem rear ends, and they won't try to suck on they mamies tit any more. thats bout all i know bout does and tit sucking. email me if you got any more questions.
-- Farmer Jessie Brownburg (thnautica853@aol.com), December 27, 1999.