Lithograph of "The Horse Fair" by Marie Rosalie Bonheur : LUSENET : The Exchange: A Forum for Antiques and The Arts : One Thread

I have a lithograph of "The Horse Fair" by Marie Rosalie (Rosa) Bonheur. I inherited the lithograph 40 years ago. How many were made? What is the value of this lithograph? The original painting is now in the Metropolitan Museum of New York City.

-- Teresa Morris (, December 26, 1999


"Art Price Annual International & Falk's Art Price Index ADEC 1999" (Ehrmann) lists a lithograph by Rosa Bonheur entitled "Etudes de chevaux et divers animaux de basse-cour" as being sold for an auction high of $844. This print was offered at Horta in Bruxelles. Since yours is of a recognized work by the artist it may be worth more, but have it looked at by a licensed appraiser or known auction house. Best of luck!

-- Liza Montgomery (, December 27, 1999.

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