HELP! Corrupt files, how do I get my pics back? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
Like a dork, I somehow corrupted my digital files while downloading them to my digital imaging software. Now I can't even open the files anymore. I believe they have been corrupted. Is there anything I can do to save my pictures? Please help, they are from Xmas and very important to me. Thanks!
-- Michelle Lee (, December 28, 1999
It depends on what is wrong with them. We can't help you without more information. What format are they (JPEG, etc)? What is the camera? How do you think you corrupted them? What does the software say when it tries to open them?I wouldn't hold out much hope.
-- Alan Gibson (, December 29, 1999.
My photo shop told me of a story of a customer with a corrupted CF card. They used the CF card reader & "disk fixed" it using Norton Utilities. You might start there...
-- Randy (, January 01, 2000.
if you haven't had any luck yet, i have written an application to recover lost images. i recovered about 170 pics from the card and and lost only three. let me know if you need my services.
-- Andrew J. Toth (, July 08, 2001.