A new category for questions -- "Course Review"greenspun.com : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread |
I am creating a new category for questions/discussion -- course review. This will be a place to talk about specific courses and legs. This will also become the category for discussions that include a clip of a map. There is a category called Event Reports that will remain and will be for general description and reports of any and all events of interest to OKers.
-- Michael Eglinski (meglin@juno.com), December 29, 1999
One thing I should add...If you want to post a bit of a map, please let me know BEFORE doing so.
-- Michael (meglin@juno.com), December 29, 1999.
How would you post a bit of map anyhow? To mere mortals, it doesn't even appear possible!
-- Swampfox (mikell@sprynet.com), December 30, 1999.
You can post a bit of a map by just adding the appropriate HTML code that points to an image (the map) stored on a web page. I'd like people to let me know before posting a map just to keep a bit of control over what images get posted. I want to avoid, for example, maps being posted without the permission of the club that owns the map.
-- Michael (mike_eglinski@kcmo.org), December 31, 1999.