Has anyone gone into the portal by the gost where ya start off in the begening ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Planescape: Torment : One Thread

Has anyone gone into the portal by the gost where ya start off in the begening ?

the first tim ei played the game it appered and i didn't go in cause i didn't know what it was.. where does it lead to ? where is the key ?

-- Stefan (schuster@interlinks.net), January 01, 2000


Is the portal you are talking about near the stone slab on which you woke up at the very beginning?

-- (kalve@online.ee), January 02, 2000.

um i forget, maybe

-- Stefan (schuster@interlinks.net), January 02, 2000.

It takes you outside the mortuary into the open tomb, a place in which you will enter anyway for there is gold and I believe a weapon in there for you.

-- Lisa (rebosmi@erols.com), January 04, 2000.

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