Bleeding : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
Hi folksI am currently printing what I call very heavy contrast photos. I think the proper term is low key photography. That is heavy blacks and clear whites. I usually shoot with a black background and use a side eletronic studio flash
My problem is that the final print on any of the white areas surrounded by black (white clothing or in some cases fles tones the black seems to bleed over and not give a clear edge. If I reduce the exposure time indeveloping the bleeding disappears however I am then left with a flat print as the blacks are not so black anymore.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
-- Jim Wright (, January 02, 2000
Not that I know anything about this but someones going to ask, what film and developer are you using. Maybe you need a different combination that gives high actuance (I think that's the term)
-- Nigel Smith (, January 02, 2000.
Low key is different to high contrast.I'm unclear what your problem is. Do you mean that the dark areas bleed over into the light areas? If so, I would examine the enlarger for flare.
-- Alan Gibson (, January 03, 2000.