Hey BBH, a new challenge for ya :o)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Hi BBH, I see you like challenges, so what about trying to defeat my record in Psychic 5? I love this game very very much, when I was younger I used to miss my class just to play and hear the demo tune :o)

So when you get to defeat my new record, I'm going to try to defeat yours again... Let's make our personal war, whaddaya think?

Hehe... Good luck :o)

Bugfinder - Filipe Estima

-- Filipe Estima (mamebugfinder@hotmail.com), January 03, 2000


personal war? err.... :) seriously though, of course I'm not giving up that score without a fight, the only problem is that we both obviously can take the game to its limit... so now it comes down to point leeching, which does of course get very boring. It's still a matter of skill since as many extra lives as possible need to be saved for leeching, but still. This isn't something I'm very excited about doing.

but I will get to it when I'm a little less busy...

-- BBH (lordbbh@aol.com), January 04, 2000.

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