Voigtlander Heliar 4.5 150 mmgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I am considering the purchase of a Voigtlander Heliar 4.5 150 mm lens (for a Linhof Technika V). I'm hoping for someone with experience with this lens. Is it a good lens? Thanks, Ralf
-- Ralf Schuelein (schuelein@fmp-berlin.de), January 03, 2000
I used an uncoated 15cm Heliar 4.5 on 9x12 and 4x5 for 10 years. What would you like to know?
-- Bill Mitchell (bmitch@home.com), January 03, 2000.
The Heliar can be a very good lense,as long as it is in good condition. It is a 5 element design with about 50 degrees coverage so a 150mm is fine for 5x4. I assume you are looking at a post WW2 coated Heliar? Uncoated Heliars were made long before that - since about 1900.
-- Tim Hicks (tim_hicks@keane.uk.com), January 04, 2000.