Bye Y2K - Prairie Home Companion : LUSENET : The Toilet Paper Chonicles: Gallows Humor from the Y2k Underground : One Thread

Did anyone hear the song parody on "YMCA" on Praire Home Companion?

Can Anyone point me to the lyrics?

-- Slobby Don (, January 05, 2000


Response to Bye Y2K - Praire Home Companion

Missed PHC parody but it might have been done by the Capital Steps. Heard their version earlier this fall. I believe I laughed so hard tears were rolling... It might be on this year's ablum but don't have it to check.


-- john hebert (, January 05, 2000.

Did Garrison Keeler retire? Know a PHC station that reaches SoCal? Link?

-- Carlos (, January 06, 2000.

Garrison Keillor can also be found dispensing weekly advice on love and writing at, under the name 'Mr. Blue'. Look for his column-- often very, very funny.

-- silver ion (, January 07, 2000.

I found it!

You can actually listen to some of here:

Here are the lyrics:

Breakdown, all computers will crash, I said

Meltdown, society will collapse, you can

Countdown, on the way to disaster at two zero zero zero

Young man, auto-deposit fails

I said old man, your checks are lost in the mail

So just go down, to your survivalist refuge at two zero zero zero

Windows will crash when it's Y......2K

Your files are trashed when its Y......2K

Your microwave wont cook

Youll have to read a book

Better learn to bait a hook

Airplanes wont fly when its Y......2K

Engines will die when its Y......2K

Your telephone wont dial

Youll have to walk for miles

When your Visa wont work at the pump

Mr. Cobol, you can never retire

At the shop mall, your credit card will expire

It will lowball, your investment portfolio at two zero zero zero

Broker, are your stocks still so high?

I said joker, out the window youll fly

Its a soaker, when the markets collapse at year two zero zero zero

Are you OK for this Y......2K

Wholl save the day when its Y......2K

Will disaster strike

Can we plug up the dike

Can we live like the Amish now

Water won't run when its Y......2K

Better stock up when its Y......2K

Washing machines will fail

All of your clothes will smell

Your maid will tell you to "Go to hell!"

Food will be scarce when its Y......2K

Cant find a hearse when its Y......2K

Famine will prevail

Existence will be hell

Only Bill Gates will survive

Prices will hike when its Y......2K

Sadaam will strike when its Y......2K

Nukes will rain down

On your city or town

Better DIG A HOLE in the ground!

-- sweetpea (, January 07, 2000.

That's a bit different from the PHC parody which you can see and hear here:

h ttp://

-- Slobby Don (, January 07, 2000.

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